Palembang’s Songket
H istory of the Palembang city can not be separated from the legendarykingdom of Srivijaya and Palembang Darussalam Sultanate. Srivijaya kingdom isone of the powerful maritime kingdom in Sumatra Island territory from Cambodia,Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan and Sulawesi in its heydayaround the year 683 AD. Kingdom, which in Sanskrit means the luminous (sri) andtriumph (victory) was a forerunner of the Palembang city. One of the cultural heritageof this kingdom is called songket weaving Wastra. Songket evidence has existedsince ancient Srivijaya clothing can be seen from the surrounding statuesenshrinement complex in Tanah Abang, Muara Enim regency, South Sumatra. Wovenfabric of various types of yarn including this golden thread started by some ofthe patterns of trade between the traders from China that presents a silkthread with Indian traders who carry gold and silver threads. Well, the threadsare woven with intricate patterns that are strung through shallow needle on aMalay frame loom.
Theability to make traditional Palembang songket is usually inheritedtemurun.Sewet songket cloth is often used by the coatings on the bottom ofwomen's clothing adorned with scarves friends with clothes brackets. In atraditional ceremony or a wedding celebration, the bride usually use completewith songket Aesan Gede (greatness), Aesan Pengganggon (Paksangko), ScarvesMantri, Aesan Gandek and others. In quality, Palembang songket songket is thebest in Indonesia. In fact, songket is pinned the nickname the "Queen ofAll Fabrics."
In the songket, techniques and the type and quality of the woven cloth known assongket Limar and Lepus. Lepus is the songket fabric consisting of gold threadembroidery cukitan aka high quality that is usually imported from China. Infact, kadakala thread songket was taken from hundreds of years old due to agemakes the fabric to become brittle. The quality of this type is the highestquality at very expensive prices. The ability to make traditional Palembangsongket is usually inherited temurun.Sewet songket cloth is often used by thecoatings on the bottom of women's clothing adorned with scarves friends withclothes brackets. In a traditional ceremony or a wedding celebration, the brideusually use complete with songket Aesan Gede (greatness), Aesan Pengganggon(Paksangko), Scarves Mantri, Aesan Gandek and others. In quality, Palembangsongket songket is the best in Indonesia. In fact, songket is pinned thenickname the "Queen of All Fabrics."
In the songket, techniques and the type and quality of the woven cloth known assongket Limar and Lepus. Lepus is the songket fabric consisting of gold threadembroidery cukitan aka high quality that is usually imported from China. Infact, kadakala thread songket was taken from hundreds of years old due to agemakes the fabric to become brittle. The quality of this type is the highestquality at very expensive prices.
While Limar more directed to the manufacturing techniques. Accordingto British cultural life in Indonesia in the colonial era, songket fabric ofthis type is a blend of red, yellow and green with a pattern inspired by thefruit juice. While others expressed the opinion that the name is taken fromLimar bubbles coming from the sparks that resemble drops of lemon juice. How touse songket in men or women have a fundamental difference. Songket cloth formen who are often called Rumpak (bumpak) has a motif that is not filled withtumpal (head cloth) is behind the body. Songket is used starting from the hipsdown to the bottom of the knee (for married men) and hang above the knee (forunmarried men). As for the women, tumpal (head cloth) shall be in front of theposition of the hips to ankles.
by : Mike Meiserly 2BB
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