Elang Bondolorthescientific name isHaliasturIndusis aspeciesof thegenusfromHaliastur. Elang Bondolhas medium sized(45cm), white,blondandbrown. Teen Elang Bondolhascharacteristicwith therest of the bodybrownishstreakson thechest. Discoloredgrayish-whitein the second year, andreachfulladultfeathersinthe tailketiga.Ujungbundar.Irisbrown, beakandseragreenishgray, dullyellowfeet and legs. When itan adult, hischaracteris, the head, neck, chestare white. Wings, back, tail, andbellyare lightbrown. Contrastwiththeblackprimaryfeathers. The foodisalmostall animals, aliveordead. Inwater, the food in the form ofcrabs, andon the mainlandeatingchicks, insects and small mammals. Largenest, oftwigsat thetop of the tree. Eggwhite,a littleredspots, the number ofitems2-3. Breed inthe monthJanuary to August, andfrom May to July.
We can find Elang Bondol in India, southern China, southeastAsia, Indonesia, Australia. InIndonesia, its spreadin Sumatra, Borneo, Java, Bali, Sulawesi, NusaTenggara, Maluku, Papua. WhileinIndonesiaandIndia, can befound in remote areas. InKalimantanitself, Elang BondolcanmetinKapuasHulu, WestKalimantan. The presence ofabundantthereElang Bondol
Elang Bondol statue as the mascot of Jakarta
In 1989, Elang BondolandsalakCondetserveas the mascotof the Jakarta.It can be seenin theWhiteCempaka. There there is astandingstatue, the statue"Elang Bondolbrings Salak Condet. InIndia, regardedas acontemporaryrepresentation ofGaruda, the sacredof Vishnu.In Malaysia, PulauLangkawiafter('kawi' showsastone-ocher usedasusedtodecoratepottery, andlead to theprimarycolor offeathers).Afablefrom thecenter ofthe island ofBougainvilletolda motherwho lefther sonunder thebananatreeswhilegardening, andthe babyflewinto the sky, crying andturned intoKaa'nang, theElang Bondol , Andthe necklaceturned intofeathers.
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